Preschool & Kindergarten
Preschool and kindergarten are such great ages for homeschooling and we have curriculum resources, planning and organization, Montessori practical life, math, and more.
If you want to start strong with the preschool years and nurture your child's independence, creativity, and imagination while covering all the subjects, we can help.
We'll show you our shelves, lessons, and areas of practical life, such as the bathroom and our homeschool room. Let us share our practical tips and approach for a healthy and happy homeschool.
We also have Unit Studies available for an interdisciplinary approach to learning about your children's favorite topics.
Feel free to dive in for more Montessori preschool activities.
Penguin Art for Preschoolers
Best Preschool & Kindergarten Homeschool Curriculum Resources
The Best Dinosaur Books Plus Other Prehistoric Animals
Preschool & Kindergarten Homeschool Room
Montessori Math: Concrete to Abstract
Black History Books and Books for Africa Continent Studies
How to Use the Montessori Pink Tower
Books By Indigenous Authors
Bilingual Books in Spanish and English
Home Art Studio Setup for Kids
How To Use The Montessori Geometric Solids
The Best Montessori Sensorial Materials for Homeschool and FREE Ebook
Montessori Math at Home
Montessori Geography: From the Universe to Mother Earth's Land, Air, and Water
Practical Life: Care of the Environment
Practical Life: Care of Self and the Montessori Bathroom